Tax Is Always A Burden...
But NO MORE In 2019!
Here's Our Special Solution on How to
Save Taxes & And Reap High Returns!
Dear Reader,
We know you may have already heard about it from many other sources.
Friends, family, relatives, advisors, TV commentators, magazine columnists, and so on.
Something that you do not cheer about.
Something that eats into your earnings.
Something that leaves little in your hand to save.
Something that may even force you to postpone your key life goals.
You guessed it - T.A.X.E.S.
One of the biggest obstacles in your journey to Financial Freedom.
Let's face it.
Who wants to pay thousands of rupees to the Government?
Why not save some of those cash and stash away in your retirement corpus?
Well, we are here to help you.
In the next couple of minutes, we are going to tell you about a potentially perfect solution that is going to help save on your taxes...
How much?
Well, up to Rs 46,350 in a single year!
And potentially grow your returns in double or even triple digit percentages in the long run.
Well, you must be...
Ponder on the next question for a minute.
Do you know how much you pay in taxes in your whole lifetime, say 35-40 years?
Don't know? Let us do the math for you.
Suppose you pay around Rs 10,000 on an average in a year.
Now, in 40 years, it becomes Rs 4,00,000 in taxes alone! (We are not counting the fluctuation in tax and inflation rates, of course.)
So, in short, you could have an extra of four lakhs rupees in your bank account, if you knew how to manage your taxes, right?
We see, we got you thinking, "What if...?"
Don't worry.
We have the answer for you.
Not only would we tell you how to save taxes but also tell you about a special strategy that may lead you to gain higher returns on your investment.
Curious to know more? Read on.
Because you really don't want to miss this letter for anything.
In the next couple of minutes, we will tell you the secret to saving on your heavy tax burden and embarking on a smoother financial journey.
But hey! We forgot to say something here.
It's Not Really A Secret...!
Let's start with something that you might already know by now.
And it's definitely not the best kept secret in the world.
Hundreds of times, your friend has told you this.
Hundreds of times, you have read it in the journals.
Hundreds of times, you have been told by a TV commentator.
There is only one optimum solution to both save on your taxes and grow your savings at the same time.
Mutual Funds.
One of the time tested investment strategies that helps you to double or even triple your the long run.
But hold on a second.
You are not going to go for any Mutual Fund out there.
You are going to go for a particular type of mutual funds that is basically geared to serve the purpose that you have in mind.
ELSS or Tax Saving Mutual Funds, that is.
We bet, you have probably heard about them when you were scrambling through the finance magazines or looking over the business page of the newspaper.
But do you really know what an ELSS is?
Simply put, ELSS is a type of diversified equity mutual fund, which qualifies for tax exemption under section 80C of the Income Tax Act.
If you are wondering, ELSS stands for Equity Linked Savings Scheme.
The name says it all.
So, if you are looking to save on taxes and grow your investments, this might potentially be the perfect option for you.
Here's how much you can save on taxes by investing in an ELSS.
An Extra Rs 46,350 In Your Pocket!
You heard it right.
You can save up to Rs 46,350 in a year by investing in ELSS.
You ask, "How?"
Okay, let us do the math for you.
If you invest up to Rs 1,50,000 in an ELSS and you fall into the 30% tax bracket, you can easily save up to (150000 x 30% + 3% Cess =) Rs 46,350!
What's more is, if you invest Rs 1,50,000 in any ELSS with a CAGR of 15%, you would potentially reap over Rs 3 lakhs in the next 5-6 years and double that in the next 10 years.
In comparison to that, an FD and a PPF would lead you to just Rs 2,25,000 and Rs 2,20,000 in the first 5 years.
No wonder mutual funds are the favorite of thousands of people in India.
And nevertheless, for the high tax payers, ELSS is the best option no doubt.
Why To Choose ELSS - Most Efficient Tax Saving Instrument
For those who still want to know more why they should invest in ELSS Mutual Funds, here is a list of merits you cannot ignore.
Benefit #1: Capital Appreciation
Like other equity mutual fund schemes, these mutual funds too are optimized for highest returns possible.
Just start a SIP in the right fund and rest assured that you grow your wealth over long term even without any significant effort on your part whatsoever!
You can depend on the best ELSS to potentially grow your money in a matter of 3 to 5 years (considering the market is favorable, of course).
Benefit #2: Tax Efficient
When compared with any other diversified equity mutual fund, the taxation on the gains are the same.
So, what makes ELSS differ from any other diversified mutual fund? You can invest up to Rs 1,50,000 in an ELSS and get that as a tax deduction under Section 80C in a financial year.
(No, you cannot get that from any equity mutual fund.)
And when compared to other popular tax saving instruments such as Tax Saving Fixed Deposits or PPF, ELSS is definitely better.
Not only does an ELSS reap higher returns, long-term gains from an ELSS is absolutely tax free just like that of PPF.
(If you are wondering about Tax Saving Fixed Deposits, you may earn lesser returns on your investments and that too taxable.)
Moreover, both the dividend incomes and capital gains earned from ELSS is tax free.
Very good, right? We know.
Benefit #3: Shorter Lock-In Period
This is what makes ELSS better than all other investment options.
While your tax saving investments in PPF is locked in for 15 years, NSC for 6 years and tax saving bank fixed deposits for 5 years, your investments in ELSS is locked in for just 3 years. So, if you are looking for tax benefits along with higher return potential, but do not want to commit your money for very long period of 5 to 15 years, ELSS is something you should look for.
Benefit #4: Efficient Fund Management
You just cannot deny this point. Unlike in a term deposit or a NSC, where you put your money in, and the issuer just lends it out, while paying you a nominal return; a mutual fund is geared to grow your investment in a much more efficient way.
Because a mutual fund is expected to be managed by professional fund managers. They invest with an aim to make higher gains for their investors.
We agree, investing in a mutual fund is risky per se. But if you invest in the RIGHT mutual fund, you would reap much higher gain than you can probably expect from a fixed deposit, PPF account or savings certificate.
And the reason behind it is, perhaps the long-term experience and market knowledge of the fund managers working to grow your money day in and day out.
In other words, if you are looking to grow your investment, in a shorter time compared to other tax-saving instruments and that also, not paying the government any share of it...
It's time to invest in an ELSS today.
And to make that whole process easier for you...
Here We Come With Our Big Surprise Of 2019!
We are here with an awesome opportunity whereby you don't have to search for which ELSS mutual funds to invest in.
You don't have to follow the newspapers for financial updates.
You don't have to stay glued to the business channels on TV.
You don't have to hire expensive financial advisors.
We are going to tell you about potentially the best ELSS funds to invest in 2019.
Are you ready for it?
Then here it goes.
Drum roll please...
Launching Our Exclusive Report
3 Tax-Saving Mutual Funds For 2019

In this exclusive report, you will find the Top 3 ELSS that are geared to grow your investment multifold over long term while saving your taxes.
These Top 3 ELSS are handpicked through our special 7-point Selection Matrix methodology, and are considered to be potentially the best tax-saving mutual funds in the Indian market.
As per our research...
These mutual funds come with solid track records, and have superb growth potential for the upcoming years.
These mutual funds follow a steady investment strategy, free from "hot trend investing", and are managed by well-experienced and qualified fund managers.
These mutual funds are diversified in nature, and have the ability to curtail market risk to the minimum possible.
These 3 exceptional ELSS funds not only offer good growth prospects but also provide you enhanced tax benefits.
For the more curious, here's an outline of the three best performing ELSS funds.
Tax Saving Fund #1:
Having a track record of over 2 decades, this fund has generated higher returns across all important time-frames, and consistently ranks among the top quartile of funds in the ELSS category.
Positioned as a multi-cap fund, it holds strong orientation towards large-cap stocks, with a fair chunk of stocks in mid and smaller market capitalizations holding higher risk.
Although this fund is a contender of higher volatility, it compensates its investors with superior risk-adjusted returns and ability to negotiate the market downsides well.
The fund is a worthy buy for investors having higher risk appetite, and a desire to invest in one of the consistently performing ELSS fund with a long-term view.
Tax Saving Fund #2:
Having a penchant to hold large-cap stocks in its portfolio, this fund has registered superior track record across market cycles.
Strong investment processes, astute stock picking and sound risk management processes makes it a prominent contender when it comes to selecting potentially the best tax saving funds.
The fund's preference for holding a blend of cyclicals, and defensives in its portfolio, with an eye on valuations reflects the cautious approach followed by the fund.
Overall, it is well positioned to adequately compensate investors who have moderate to high risk appetite and have a desire to invest in time tested ELSS fund with a long-term view.
Tax Saving Fund #3:
By consistently topping the return charts, this fund has made an impact over the past couple of years, winning the confidence of investors to commit their money in this fund.
Apart from helping investors avail tax deductions, the fund has generated one of the highest risk-adjusted returns in the category.
It is well positioned to reward long term investors who can hold on to their investment for a longer duration.
The active portfolio strategies followed by the fund has resulted in its superior performance and made it an appealing proposition for investors having desire to invest in a well performing ELSS with a long-term view.
If you are looking to invest for higher return and save taxes this year, these three funds might be the ones you are looking for.
And you get to know which these exceptional funds are in our latest research report, "3 Tax-Saving Mutual Funds for 2019". In other words, this report might be helpful in the journey to your Financial Freedom.
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That's it for now.
We wish you all the best in your financial endeavors.
Signing off now.
To your wealth,
Team PersonalFN
P.S. Our latest premium report "3 Tax-Saving Mutual Funds for 2019" is available at this deep discounted price only for limited period. Click Here To Claim Your Copy Now.