There Is A Lot We All Need to Learn & Unlearn Post This Deadly Pandemic
It Wasn't a Level Playing Field Ever, But Now
The Word Is
Scarier For Women
"If You Want Something Said, Ask A Man;
If You Want Something Done, Ask A Woman"
- Margaret Thatcher
Dear Reader,
This is Ruhi Khan, the Head of Customer Service at PersonalFN.
I want to talk to you today.
The last couple of years has been difficult, particularly for many women.
While our husbands fretted over their job security, wives tended to worry about 3 things, not just one!
Firstly, working women had to worry about the security of their jobs - just like their husbands did.
And, if were single - as many of my friends are - we worried about our parents.
Secondly, we had to worry about income security - will there be enough money in the bank to pay the monthly bills, the school fees, the money for the music or tuition classes - or our own gym classes.
And then the worry about the children or our younger siblings: if the classwork has moved online who will ensure the child is absorbing what is being taught? Who will look after the children's constant needs?
I got speaking about this with Vivek, our head of Research here at PersonalFN.
He said something that would make any woman proud.
He said something that we all know intuitively but do not always state: "There is no doubt about one lesson from the pandemic... If it wasn't for women, we men would probably be unable to have survived the challenges of this pandemic"
And it did get me thinking!
As a woman, the onus of running the house and keeping all the raging frustration in the family in check fell onto us.
Of course, the men helped with household chores (Not sure if out of compulsion or boredom, but they did).
But women spent the entire time these past years worried sick, but still holding the fort like a rock.
Those sleepless nights and fears about job security and income security kept haunting me and all I thought about - but did not ask was:
Do we have enough liquidity in case something untoward strikes?
What about our investments in a world where markets were crashing like a house of cards?
Like the constant surging graphs of COVID cases in my city, pressure mounted by the day and it seemed like nothing is in my control anymore.
But then we saw some light at the end of the tunnel.
The vaccine was here!
We would hopefully see normal days soon and get back to what we were always doing.
But what if something like this happens again? A COVID-2025, or a new virus?
I don't think me or any other woman for that matter would like to go through the same helpless & lost control feeling again.
Because when it comes to our family, NOTHING is of a higher priority.
So, I talked to Vivek and Rounaq (Head of Content), asking them to do something specifically for women.
They were onboard even before I completed my statement.
Something that can very well make you the pillar that every family looks up to in testing times.
And after weeks of brainstorming, we designed what we think could ensure peace of mind even in times of uncertainty.
Introducing PersonalFN's Exclusive
'Certified Family Guardian'
Let's start with one of the most verified sayings in the world of finance.
Knowledge is power.
Isn't that right?
So, what if you knew:
- What metrics to judge a mutual fund upon if you want the best outcome?
- Where to invest your savings now so that your family could benefit from it in future?
- How to hedge your risks for today and tomorrow to keep your family safe on a rainy day?
Think about it.
You won't have to blindly rely on less trustworthy sources.
After all, the sources might not be up to the strenuous job of providing the right financial advice in today's complicated market.
But you need to safeguard yourself and your life's hard-earned savings from any dubious and unworthy decision, that could affect your family's future.
The only way to do that is, empower yourself with the weapon of KNOWLEDGE.
And that's exactly what PersonalFN's 'Certified Family Guardian' could help you with.
In the next few minutes, we will tell you ALL about the simplest and easiest way to approach your most important task, that is, planning your financial future.
Right from helping you to learn how to figure out your needs to drawing out a clever strategy to achieve your financial goals...
...this is what we envisage for you.
Something that you can rely upon for every financial decision you make.
A great mentor to help you evolve into a Family Guardian last!
Don't confuse this with the old financial sales pitch that you see all over the internet.
That is a mistake we don't want you to make.
This is a very special initiative, only for smart investors who want the best for their families now and in the years to come.
We want to groom our readers and empower them in such a way that they can be financially independent family guardians.
And how do we do that?
Introducing The "Certified Family Guardian" E-Course
Your Comprehensive A To Z Guide To Become Your Own Financial Planner
We, at PersonalFN, come with a long history of empowering average Indian investors since 1999, in every aspect of personal finance, covering the fearsome and fuzzy lands of mutual funds, gold, insurance and so on.
And presently, the only question on our minds was, "How can we help women become financial guardians for their families?"
After many brainstorming sessions and to and fro trips to the whiteboard, the Certified Family Guardian was born
This is an all-in-one exclusive video series that is expected to be your "ready companion" that would empower you to take key financial decisions for meeting your life goals.
Want to know how much should you save and invest?
Want to know whether you should take medical insurance?
Want to know how to write your will?
The Certified Family Guardian has you covered.
So What Do You Get As A Subscriber To The Certified Family Guardian E-Course?
Separated into 8 modules, this exclusive e-Course is a 5 Hour study, spread over 3 weeks, with 24 extensive videos that detail the ins and outs of every possible topic related to your personal finance, starting from budgeting to planning your life goals; from insurance planning to estate planning.
You need to be confident in yourself, to take your own financial decisions, so that when you go to sleep at night, you know that your hard-earned savings are safe and you will wake up to see a nicer tomorrow.
And that's what this exclusive e-Course will do for you.
It will help you become your OWN financial planner.
It will answer MOST of your questions that you might have, and armour you with the necessary financial knowledge against the misty dark that surrounds today's capital market.
If you subscribe to the Certified Family Guardian e-Course To Become Your Own Financial Planner, here's what you will get access to:
Module #1: How To Make Your Budget & Design Your Cash Flows
Module # 2: How To Plan Your Key Life Goals
Module # 3: The Right Approach To Insurance Planning
Module # 4: Prudent Ways To Plan Your Investments
Module # 5: Tested Ways To Retire Rich
Module # 6: All You Need To Know About Estate Planning
Module # 7: How To Ensure That Your Loans Do Not Become A Burden
Module # 8: Key Learnings From Investment Gurus
Once you successfully complete all the modules, you will get a virtual certificate which will testify that you are now A Certified Family Guardian.
Something like this:

You are now your OWN financial planner.
Now before we say goodbye, here is a good news!
We Want Women In The Forefront
At PersonalFN, we have always tried our best to make our offerings gender-neutral.
Because unlike many in the market, we do not believe that investment is a gender-specific area.
In fact, we strongly believe that women are way better at handling investments and finances.
Let's not forget that the finances of a country of 1.4 billion is handled by a woman!
In our journey of over 20 years, we have seen many successful investors making money, only to discover their wives/daughters/sisters pulling the strings behind the curtain.
So, we honestly want women to now come to the forefront and lead with pride.
In turn, it is our promise that we will leave no stone unturned to ensure we give across the best of investing world to them.
It's time the women become official 'Certified Family Guardians'.
Having said that, as much as we want the women to act right away, this offering is for all.
For every woman and investor, out there like you, who probably doesn't have much knowledge about the financial jargons, the tricks and tactics of the industry, this exclusive E-Course is an absolute must, keeping in mind today's circumstances.
Don't waste a moment more...
Yes, I Want To Be A Certified Family Guardian
A Special Premium Member Discount
Only For the First 500 Subscribers
This exclusive Certified Family Guardian E-Course is available at a reasonable price of Rs 5,000 only.
Honestly, given everything that you get along, you can consider it FREE.
But even then, you don't have to pay Rs 5,000...
This is one of our most ambitious offerings.
We have put years of our knowledge and our experience in handling the financial dilemma of a regular investor into this e-Course.
We believe, it contains the very fundamentals of investing to advanced planning of life goals, highly useful for all types of investors, beginner and advanced alike.
And that's why we really, really want to reach as many women and investors as we can.
Our primary motive here is that nobody should pass it away just because they can't afford it.
However, we can't offer a lower price to everyone.
But we can definitely do something special for our valued women members.
If you subscribe now, all you pay is Rs 5,000 499 only.
That is a MASSIVE discount of OVER 90 PERCENT!
We don't do this every day.
But there's a catch.
Only, the first 500 subscribers will be able to avail of this opportunity at this huge discount.
We cannot offer everyone this awesome offer, after all. Hope you understand.
After the first 500 subscribers limit passes, the price would return to the normal, that is, Rs 5,000 only.
Please do remember, time is running out, we must say.
Still thinking?
Don't Think Anymore!
This is one of its kind opportunity whereby we vest in you the power to write your family's financial destiny.
We hope you take the right decision.
Yes, I Want To Be A Certified Family Guardian
Act Right Now!
To your wealth,
Ruhi Khan
P. S. Don't miss this premium member offer to get a service that empowers you to achieve Financial Freedom for your family. Get access to the Certified Family Guardian e-Course today, and arm yourself with the A To Z of Personal Finance.
P. P. S. Avail this exclusive premium member offer and get OVER 90 PERCENT DISCOUNT today. It's now or never.
*Price inclusive of applicable Goods and Services tax
** The performance data quoted above represents past performance and does not guarantee future results.
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