Only For Smart Financial Advisors & Distributors
Your Chance To Make Potential Solid Money
Your Opportunity To Become A Certified Financial Guardian
& Laugh Your Way To The Banks
Dear Smart Financial Advisor,
You are not an average Joe.
And you are not just another advisor or distributor.
So, we are not going to beat around the bush.
It would not do justice to your as well as our time.
If you are reading this, it means you are an active financial advisor or fund distributor looking forward to take your business to the next level.
And it is an absolutely great thing to pursue.
After all, it is not only a satisfying job but also a very profitable one if you do it right.
There are hundreds or rather thousands of investors who may be looking for a qualified financial advisor who can help them achieve their financial goals.
And you could very well be one of them.
But having said that, you must also consider that just like the investors, there are thousands of financial advisors and fund distributors as well who are looking for new clients.
The competition is fierce.
In a scenario like this, how do you take your business to the next level?
What can set you apart from the rest of the herd?
Well, don't worry...
We have something that might just be what you are missing as a financial advisor.
Certified Financial Guardian (CFG)
Yes, you read that right!
Thanks to the think tanks here at PersonalFN, you now have something that could potentially help make you the first choice for investors looking for honest advisors.
But mind you, this is extremely exclusive and probably what you wanted but weren't able to find.
This could change your life by changing the way, you do business, for good!
You see, after being in this business for over 20 years, PersonalFN understands the nuances of the business and the challenges you might have.
We get you!
All the hard work, sourcing clients every day, retaining them - that's a HUGE task!
And that's not even the tip of the iceberg.
The heavy discounts, cut-throat competition, an almost stagnant fee structure and necessary expenditure you have to bear, may ultimately lead to more losses than wins at the end of the day.
That's heartbreaking, to say the least.
And with the ever-increasing competition from big financial houses, the shrinking trust of investors in the capital market, and the changes in governmental regulations...
We believe it will keep getting harder and harder for you by the day.
But 'Certified Financial Guardian' has the potential to change the way you do your business altogether.
It holds the unmatched potential of multiplying your business revenue over time.
It can give you the freedom to:
Choose your own clientele.
Decide your own price for your services.
Get an edge over others in the crazy rat race of the financial market.
Now, to put to rest all the questions popping up in your head...
What is Certified Financial Guardian (CFG)
You see, PersonalFN is one of the first personal finance websites in India.
Founded in 1999 with an innocent ambition of empowering Indian investors, PersonalFN has been built on the basis of honesty and integrity.
Having spent over 20 years, educating investors; today we have come a long way, with the support of millions of followers and readers across the globe.
We aim to deliver honest and unbiased opinions and solutions to one's financial dilemma.
At PersonalFN, we handhold our clients towards achieving their financial goals; amidst the chaos of the financial world.
That's exactly why lakhs of Indian investors know us, and trust us.
But we realized that we still haven't done enough.
We need to do something even bigger to ensure investors in our country have easy access to unbiased advice and honest guidance.
Of course, we cannot do it all alone.
We need smart advisors to join this revolution to bring light into the life of an average investor.
That's the reason why we came up with 'Certified Financial Guardian'.
Certified Financial Guardian is an exclusive offering from PersonalFN, that aims to help advisors and mutual fund distributors lead to the forefront of the financial advisory industry.
It is a unique platform that allows investment advisors and mutual fund distributors an opportunity to earn the trust and continued loyalty of lakhs of investors across India!
In a world where mis-selling is rampant -- which ultimately leaves investors disappointed or let down -- a Certified Financial Guardian should be among the chosen FEW on whom a sensible Indian investor can count on.
You can be the "financial guardian" for lakhs of investors providing prudent advice – clients should look up to you as the epitome of competence, honesty and transparency.
In short, you could be a forerunner or a first choice when investors are looking for qualified financial advisors.
But now the question is how we do it?
You see, the Certified Financial Guardian Program offers 12 hours of exclusive e-learning sessions on Personal Financial Planning.
The course includes sessions on ethics, training on risk assessment, tax planning, retirement planning, investment planning and so on.
You have to complete the program and pass the final test to qualify as a 'Certified Financial Guardian' (CFG).
Having said that, it only makes sense to tell you about all what is covered under the Certified Financial Guardian.
Well, we have divided the tough job into parts...
Knowledge Building & Quality Advice with Content/Research Support
Specially Designed Exclusive Premium Tools
Customer Acquisition & Support Structure
Customer Reporting to Keep Your Clients Updated
Don't worry, we are going to tell you all in detail.
Knowledge Building With Content/Research Support
Under this, you will get a host of offerings, or you can call them tools, that will help you learn and offer quality advice to your clients.
Here you go...
- Exclusive Research Reports - Comprehensive Mutual Funds Analysis
The comprehensive fund analysis reports help you as a Certified Financial Guardian get a 360-degree view on mutual fund schemes evaluated, rated, and picked by an experienced research team at PersonalFN. It provides access to two new detailed fund reports every week, along with the archives of all the fund research reports published in the past.
- Exclusive Access to PersonalFN's Latest Views and Ratings
You see, the research team at PersonalFN has experience of over 2 decades in picking mutual funds, which they believe are long term winners and long-term outperformers. Some of their mutual fund picks have beaten the markets by a significant margin! Certified Financial Guardian's get access to the latest views and ratings assigned to the funds by our expert research team.
- GIFs and Infographics on Personal Finance topics
As a CFG or a Certified Financial Guardian, you get exclusive access to a series of educative GIFs and Infographics that focus on important personal finance topics and concepts, which may be informative for your clients. Certified Financial Guardians can share these downloadable GIFs and Infographics with the clients to educate them to invest wisely, gain their confidence, and build a long-lasting relationship. All while keeping them engaged and listening to you.
- PersonalFN's Premium Exclusive Guides
You will also get instant access to our exclusive premium guides that are backed by the expertise and experience of over 2 decades. It is one of the most valuable premiums that you as a Certified Financial Guardian will get. The best part is that this is not an exhaustive list. We will keep adding new ones and you will get instant access to each one of them.
Here is a glimpse of some of the guides you get.

- Exclusive 'Certified Financial Guardian' Insights
The informative and analytical articles published by the experienced research & content team at PersonalFN, offer unbiased views and opinions. All of it will be available to you as a Certified Financial Guardian. You can definitely consider them when providing advice to your clients.
- Mutual Fund News
Coverage of the latest news and updates about the current happenings in the Mutual Fund industry will come to you. It will help you be abreast and informed about the developments in the Mutual Funds segment.
Specially Designed Premium Exclusive Tools
- Asset Allocator Tool
PersonalFN's Premium Asset Allocator Tool will help you design an optimum asset allocation suitable for the client's risk appetite or investment goals. With the Asset Allocator tool, you will always be one step ahead when it comes to diversifying the client's portfolio.
- Smart Portfolio Advisor
The Smart Portfolio Advisor tool is designed to generate a series of high potential portfolios by using a backend algorithm. Each portfolio is made up of top-rated mutual fund schemes picked (with a suggested allocation) by the research team at PersonalFN.
The Smart Portfolio Advisor Tool will help you generate an optimum mutual funds portfolio that could be suitable for your client's risk appetite and investment goals. It gives you an advantage of creating potentially the best mutual funds portfolio suitable for your clients.
- Comprehensive Portfolio Analyser
The Comprehensive Portfolio Analyser can help you generate a detailed portfolio analysis report. All you will have to do is feed in the scheme names and investment details like purchase amount, investment date, etc. of the schemes in the portfolio.
The system will generate a ready report for your clients, highlighting the mutual fund and portfolio performance, asset allocation, underlying holdings across stocks and sectors, fund house concentration, category wise exposure, and so on.
- Mutual Fund Screener
The Mutual Fund Screener helps you screen and compare the performance of mutual funds across categories and sub-categories, only to make more informed decisions. This tool is not usually available to many. But as a Certified Financial Guardian, you will have the access to it.
- PersonalFN's Exclusive Calculators
You will get access to a host of premium, exclusive & downloadable calculators, which we believe every financial advisor must-have.
Here is a list:
Human Life Value Calculator, EPF Calculator, PPF Calculator, SIP Calculator, STP Calculator, Power of Compounding Calculator, Present Value Calculator, Real Return Calculator, Retirement Calculator, EMI Calculator, Marriage Goal Calculator, Education Planning Calculator, Crorepati Calculator, etc.
- Daily Performance Tracker
The daily performance tracker provides category-wise return comparison and rankings of mutual fund schemes. This will help you keep a closer track of top-performing mutual funds across each category and sub-category.
- Daily Market Outlook
The Daily Market Outlook provides a summary of the previous day events, market updates, and performance of domestic and global market indices. This quick-read material will help you stay updated about the key developments.
- Fund Manager Interviews
The research team at PersonalFN regularly interacts with the fund managers. The interaction/ interviews with these fund managers will be provided to you in video/transcript format. This will help you understand the thought process, strategies, and perspective of the fund managers.
- Webinars
The research & content team of PersonalFN hosts webinars with key fund managers who are invited as speakers to share their outlook on the markets. This informative webinar hosted at regular intervals will definitely help you stay ahead of others.
Customer Acquisition & Support Structure
- Certification
At the end of this course, you will get a certificate stating that you have successfully completed the 'Certified Financial Guardian' training program. It is a token of achievement of becoming a trusted financial advisor/mutual fund distributor who holds higher integrity and prefers to keep the client's interest first.
- Listing on Platform
Post completion of the training program, you will get an opportunity to list yourself and be visible on our exclusive platform, which has thousands of investors looking out for trusted advisors and mutual fund distributors. Whenever a potential client searches for one, you would show up as a front runner!
- Interview of 1 Certified Financial Guardian (Weekly)
We will interview and introduce one Certified Financial Guardian to PersonalFN's readers every week, by the means of a personal interview transcript/video. This can help you get visibility among potential clients looking for trusted advisors in their locality.
- Transaction Execution Platform
The Direct Plan investment engine available on the this platform provides the ease of transacting in the Direct Plans offered by mutual funds. You can easily execute transactions under Direct Plans of mutual funds, on behalf of your clients.
Customer Reporting to Keep Your Clients Updated
- Mutual Fund Portfolio Screener and Review
The advanced Mutual Fund Portfolio Screener and Review tool will help you in generating a comprehensive fund review report that gives you a comprehensive view of your client's portfolio. The report incorporates PersonalFN's view and recommendation on each mutual fund holding and tells them which are the funds worth holding, and those one should consider exiting.
- Client Portfolio Statements (from execution platform)
This feature helps you download the latest portfolio statement of your clients from the platform, which can be then shared with them to keep them updated about their portfolio status and performance.
So, now that you know about everything you will get as soon as you sign up to be a 'Certified Financial Guardian', all you have to know is how much will this plethora of information, tools and guidance cost you?
You see, our annual registration fee for Certified Financial Guardian is set at Rs 50,000.
Now to be honest, given the fact that you get almost everything one could need to set up an advisory business, this is too small a cost.
But to show you how much we want you to be able to become a Certified Financial Guardian, we are doing something unusual.
If you sign up right now after reading all the above details, you can become a Certified Financial Guardian at a whopping discount of over 50%
No, we are not joking!
Begin your journey as Certified Financial Guardian at just Rs 50,000 24,950
But this offer is a very exclusive and time-sensitive one.
Also, for a very limited number of seats.
And from the look of it, it might not take too long before we have to close the gates for registration.
It's time to act - Now!
Want to avail of the huge discount on your registration and get the unlimited benefits of being a Certified Financial Guardian?
Yes, Enroll Me For The Certified Financial Guardian Program Now
To your success,
Team PersonalFN
P.S. We might have to close the gates for CFG registration very soon. So, here's your golden chance. Don't miss it.
P.P.S. Become a PART of this revolution and join the fleet of like-minded advisors. Be the pioneer of change for the whole financial advisory. To get the 'first-mover' advantage, ACT NOW!
P.P.P.S.This is available only to Investment Advisors and Mutual Fund Distributors. Get It Now!
P.P.P.P.S.All prices are inclusive of taxes.
*Price inclusive of applicable Goods and Services tax
** The performance data quoted above represents past performance and does not guarantee future results.
© Quantum Information Services Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Any act of copying, reproducing or distributing this newsletter whether wholly or in part, for any purpose without the permission of PersonalFN is strictly prohibited and shall be deemed to be copyright infringement.
Disclaimer: Quantum Information Services Pvt. Limited (PersonalFN) is an independent Mutual Fund research house and SEBI Registered Investment Adviser (Registration No. INA000000680). All content and information is provided on an 'As Is' basis by PersonalFN. Information herein is believed to be reliable but PersonalFN does not warrant its completeness or accuracy and expressly disclaims all warranties and conditions of any kind, whether express or implied. The Services rendered by PersonalFN are on a best effort basis. PersonalFN does not assure or guarantee the User any minimum or fixed returns. The Services are designed and provided based on the information and documentation furnished on this website/to the Personalfn by the User. The recommendations/advice made by PersonalFN are subject to several risks & other external factors not in the control of PersonalFN such as financial markets, macro and microeconomic factors, and other factors that can cause an adjustment in the User's own financial situation and the progress of the User's plan. The results may be based on certain assumptions. PersonalFN and its employees, personnel, directors will not be responsible for any direct / indirect loss or liability incurred by the user as a consequence of him or any other person on his behalf taking any investment decisions based on the contents and information provided herein. Use of this information is at the User's own risk. This is not directed for access or use by anyone in a country, especially USA, Canada or the European countries, where such use or access is unlawful or which may subject PersonalFN or its affiliates to any registration or licensing requirement. The User must make his own investment decisions based on his specific investment objective and financial position and using such independent advisors as s/he believes necessary. Past performance is no guarantee of any future results. Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully. Quantum Information Services Private Limited (PersonalFN) may hold shares in the company/ies discussed herein. As a condition to accessing PersonalFN's content and website, User agrees to our Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy, available here.
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