This does not constitute investment advice. Returns mentioned herein are in no way a guarantee or promise of future returns. Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks. Please read all scheme-related documents carefully.
This Might Come As A Shock To You, But...

This one most important thing that most investors miss will kill your portfolio
Dear Reader,
Please keep the next five minutes of your life completely distraction free and read this letter very, very carefully.
This is for your own good, we assure you.
You see, we have reason to believe that you have probably created an "unhealthy" portfolio for yourself.
...An unhealthy portfolio that not just stops you from fulfilling your financial goals but also weakens your financial tomorrow.
What's worse, you would probably never know about this till it's too late.
Until you start incurring potential losses over time and are not able to fulfill your financial goals in time.
And it's not just you.
We fear that it might be the same with most mutual fund investors that you might know of, in your life.
That's the reason why their returns never seem to match those of the smart investors as we call them.
Perhaps that is the reason why they are unable to buy their dream home, get children to study abroad or save enough take a vacation when they want it the most.
They probably didn't know that their mutual fund portfolio was 'sick'.
The Root Of The Problem Lies Herein...
Let us explain in a bit, but before that here's a question.
Answer it honestly.
Do you really think before you invest in a mutual fund?
By that, we mean do you look up the historical performance sheets, the real expenses and the long-term investment strategy of a fund?
It's highly likely that you don't.
But it's not just you.
Have you ever seen any mutual fund investor checking out the asset allocation of a fund?
Maybe not.
And they probably don't even try to figure out who manages the fund, what investment strategy they follow or whether the investment makes any sense for their financial plan or not.
Unfortunately, you are probably one of them.
And therein lies the real problem.
That is, most investors believe that a mutual fund is always safe and profitable.
...As if every mutual fund is destined to make you money no matter what.
You don't need to study its monthly factsheets.
You don't check the fine prints in the offer document.
You don't need to keep track of the latest developments of the market.
All you need to do is put your money in any mutual fund, just like your neighbor did, and it will grow on its own.
And this rash approach to mutual fund investing, as always, leads to heavy losses or if you are lucky, insignificant gains in the future.
You need to understand one simple thing here.

The truth is, NOT all mutual funds are good.
Most importantly, not all mutual funds are good for YOU.
Every mutual fund comes with its own strengths and weaknesses, and it actually depends on the investor to decide whether it suits his investment horizon, expected financial needs and risk appetite or not.
Needless to say, it involves pouring down into the factsheets and running the numbers and checking business channels on TV to keep up with the latest trends.
In other words, it's practically IMPOSSIBLE for you after a full day's of hard work.
It's just not possible for you to pick out the best funds for your optimum portfolio just by going through few headlines in the newspapers or checking a few Buy or Sell recommendations from unknown mutual fund advisors.
It requires a strict step by step process as mentioned above to minnow the best from the rest.
Unfortunately, most investors don't know how to follow it.
The result?
You go for the wrong funds in most cases and end up with a sick portfolio!
Worried what to do about it?
We have a solution for you.
Presenting To You...
PersonalFN's Most Popular Service
Mutual Fund Portfolio Review
PersonalFN's Mutual Fund Portfolio Review service is a personalized portfolio review service designed to boost the returns of mutual fund investors.
It reviews your existing mutual fund portfolio, helps you correct your past investment mistakes, and suggests you with possibly the best options more suitable for you.
In simple words, PersonalFN's Mutual Fund Portfolio Review service rectifies your course of action in the 'present', so that you have less to worry about your 'future'.
Through this service, our investment advisor will provide personalized attention to you by reviewing your existing mutual fund investments, and also recommending the future course of action.
With our well-analyzed recommendations, creating an optimal mutual fund portfolio will be a piece of cake for you.
What's more...
You don't need to do a thing during the review process.
Our investment advisor will guide you step by step to solve all your doubts and concerns.
We will recommend which funds to redeem immediately and which ones to hold on to and buy - with proper reasons for the recommendations - and how you must allocate the money that you receive from selling the non-performing funds.
And that's not all!
We will also guide you to the path of long-term wealth creation by suggesting:
What Asset Allocation you should follow for all your future investments.
Where you should invest your future investments to achieve your financial goals.
And so on.
You will get all this information and recommendations in a 'special customized report' that our investment advisor will prepare for you.
And how you can grab this special customized report?
By simply signing up for PersonalFN's Mutual Fund Portfolio Review service right now.
Let us guide you to correct your past investment mistakes right now, and take better care of your future mutual fund investment decisions.
But now you might be thinking...
"Why Should I Trust You?"
We are glad you asked this question, as the failure to ask this is what leads investors to choose untrustworthy financial advisors, and thus make poor investment decisions.
So, let us introduce ourselves.
Launched in 1999, PersonalFN is one of India's first online personal finance companies and currently one of the leaders in the fund research industry.
With over 1.50 lakh readers worldwide and serving more than 10,000 clients far and wide, PersonalFN has come a long way.
And that's only because of the trust it gained from our valuable readers like you.
That's because we at PersonalFN have always ensured that our advice is not driven by commissions, like it probably does for many other financial advisors.
Instead, we have always tried our best to recommend the 'right' mutual funds that fit our subscribers' investment needs.
Our research team follows a time-tested process to identify such funds for our clients, where each scheme is tested on both quantitative and qualitative parameters.
In fact, what we do is a deep analysis on the real worth of a mutual fund before advising our clients to buy or sell them.
This analysis includes...
Studying the mutual fund house's investment process and philosophy.
Studying the fund's long term performance (at least for 5-10 years), across market cycles.
Performing risk reward analysis, judging portfolio concentration, strategic consistency and quality, etc.
Checking the fund manager's long term performance and his overall work experience.
This process not only helps us in identifying the right mutual funds our clients must invest in, but also helps us eliminate the ones that they must not touch with a 10-foot pole.
But you don't have to take our word for that!
Read what some of our long term believers have to say about the quality and trustworthiness of our services.
"I was reviewing my portfolio today. I am happy to note that all my investments have outperformed market both in down as well as up market condition. The recommendations of PersonalFN are unbiased and generally have a long term views suitable for common investor like me.
"When I look back, the timely advice and assurances of PFN, quite contrary to experts on TV during the last year's downturn not only saved me from huge loss, it helped to maximize my return in the cycle. I once again thank you all in PersonalFN for educating common investors and unbiased advice."
- Anup Kumar Guru, Mumbai
"With their unbiased research and personalized financial planning, PersonalFN helped me overcome the fear of investing into mutual funds. I think I have become an informed investor, thanks to the easy-to-understand literature and research articles that PersonalFN publishes and their friendly staff who never pressurize a customer into anything."
- SrinivasaRao, Bengaluru
These comments sum up who we are and what we do. Nothing makes us happier than seeing a satisfied PersonalFN subscriber!
But then, you may also ask...
"What's PersonalFN's Track Record?"
We're just coming to that.
We understand that in the financial world, trust and past performance always go hand in hand.
And PersonalFN will NEVER disappoint you on that front.
In the past, our recommended mutual fund portfolios have consistently outperformed the market!
Like in July 2007, we recommended 3 equity mutual fund portfolios based on one's risk profile and wealth building objective. We call them Wealth Multiplier, Wealth Creator and Wealth Stabiliser.
At the same time, we also recommended 3 debt mutual fund portfolios based on investment time horizon of the investors - Less than 1 Year, 1 to 2 Years and More than 2 Years.
Out of over thousands of schemes in existence, we selected 5 to 7 suitable schemes for each equity mutual fund portfolio, and 2 to 4 suitable schemes in each debt mutual fund portfolio.
We just kept three things in mind - the client's need, his investment objective and risk appetite.
And the result?
Just take a look at the chart below...

Source:, PersonalFN Research;
(Calculated based on NAV as on 31-Oct-2020, Return from 02-Jul-2007 to 31-Oct-2020)
Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
As you can see, for every Rs 100 invested in our recommended equity portfolios (since July 2007) has grown to well over Rs 350.
As against this, similar amount invested in the broader market index would have grown to just around Rs 284 over the same time period.
While the equity markets have grown by around 171%, our recommended portfolios have generated an absolute return of 279%, 254% and 259%..
That's an additional growth of approximately 80% to 105% in investor's wealth, when compared to growth seen in the equity markets.
And trust us; this performance has come with the least churning in the portfolios. We are still holding on to many of the investments in the funds we recommended then.
These are high end funds that we identify to be true long term performers.
Infact, we felt the least need to change any of the fund recommended in our potentially best performing equity mutual fund portfolios.

Source:, PersonalFN Research;
(Calculated based on NAV as on 31-Oct-2020, Return from 02-Jul-2007 to 31-Oct-2020)
Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
In terms of growth in the value of debt portfolios at the same time since July 2007, every Rs 100 invested in our recommended debt portfolios has grown in the range of Rs 265 to Rs 300.
As against this, the investment of Rs 100 in the benchmark composite bond fund index has grown to around Rs 290 over the same time period.
Some of our recommended debt portfolios have shown an additional growth of over 10% in investor's wealth.
And as you can see, by generating an absolute return of 202%, our recommended long term debt portfolio has rewarded investors with an additional return of around 13% when compared to the 189% returns earned by benchmark composite bond fund index.
Our Superior Performance Is Not
A Matter Of Luck...
It's a result of intensive studies done day in and day out by our research team at PersonalFN.
It's a matter of systemic weighing of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of each of the funds, and zeroing in on the healthiest funds in the industry.
A well-tuned and time proven exclusive fund selection strategy developed over the last 15 years!
Only because of that, we have been able to identify well-managed mutual funds with the ability to beat their peers in the same category.
And now we will apply the same exclusive strategy while reviewing your portfolio too!
So you can rest be assured that you will get unbiased recommendations backed by solid research process.
Our only aim is to guide you in building a mutual fund portfolio that is potentially best suited for you to achieve your life's goals.
We want you to grow your wealth, safely.
...Without taking any unnecessary risks.
And PersonalFN's special Mutual Fund Portfolio Review service does exactly that!
We are sure your next question will be...
How Can You Avail Of PersonalFN's
Mutual Fund Portfolio Review Service?
To get your fund portfolio reviewed by the fund advisors of PersonalFN...
Sign up for the PersonalFN's Mutual Fund Portfolio Review service below.
Once you are done with that, share with us your portfolio (Our team will explain you how to do it).
We will perform an in-depth study of your portfolio and revert with our opinion within the next 15 working days (or earlier).
Our report will be complete with our views and analysis of your existing portfolio, action steps and fund recommendations that would help you maximize your portfolio returns.
We will help you discard the non-performing mutual funds and selecting the right funds that goes with your financial goals and objectives.
Exploit our experience and knowledge in bettering your portfolio for potentially higher returns in the future while you still can.
I Want To Get My Mutual Fund Portfolio
Reviewed Now!
And we have something more for you.
A Deal You Just Couldn't Say No To...

You see, we normally charge Rs 10,000 for this exclusive one time review of mutual funds portfolios for our subscribers.
But we have decided to go against the rule at this time.
We have decided not to charge you this price.
Only for our valued subscribers like you, we are running a special offer at the moment.
We are accepting new reviews for just Rs 5,950/-.
That's a MASSIVE discount of 40%!
But it might not be viable for us to run this offer too long.
And we will end it very soon.
After that, the subscription price of our service will also go back to the usual Rs 10,000.
So you really need to act right now!
...For the price seems really small compared with the fact that it will help make your financial future safe and secure...and thus help you sleep peacefully at night.
Here is what all you get when you sign up for the PersonalFN Mutual Fund Portfolio Review service...
One time review of your 'existing' mutual fund portfolio (both equity and debt funds)
Analysis based on category-wise holding
Portfolio concentration and risk analysis
Final View & Recommendations (BUY/HOLD/REDEEM)
Consolidating your MF portfolio
Action plan for fresh investments
Strategizing your portfolio as per your broad based risk appetite and investment time horizon.
Isn't this a real deal?
What Are You Still Waiting For?
India is on the move.
Flurry of investors are entering the market every day.
And you don't want to miss the opportunities that the markets, both equity and debt, throw up in the months and years ahead.
If you go for PersonalFN's Mutual Fund Portfolio Review service, you will probably reap higher gains than you have expected.
And also avoid the potential losses that could result from a 'sick' portfolio.
So, accept our invitation and get your portfolio reviewed right now. Simple.
And rest assured that you might not see such an amazing offer to get your hands to this invaluable service again!
Get Your
Mutual Fund Portfolio Reviewed By The Fund Experts!
This might be the best opportunity of your life.
This might be the answer to your mutual fund investment worries.
This might be the ticket to your financial freedom.
Grab it while you can.
Because the longer you wait, the more you lose the opportunity of making more money as markets move up!
Now What Are You Waiting For?
Accept our invitation by becoming a subscriber to the PersonalFN Mutual Fund Portfolio Review service today!
You may not get your hands to this invaluable service again for a long time to come!
Original Price:
You Pay: Rs 5,950/-

Sign Up For Your Mutual Fund Portfolio Review Today!
To your wealth always,
Team PersonalFN
P.P.S: This is a one-time service to help you review your existing portfolio of mutual funds, and suggest you mutual fund portfolio that match your financial goals. Since this is a personalized service, there will be no refunds.
P.P.P.S.: We request you to provide all your relevant mutual fund data for our analysis within a maximum of 3 months from the date of signing up for the service.
P.P.P.P.S.: If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at +91-22-61361200, Mon - Friday 10am to 6pm and Saturday 10am to 2pm. If you find these numbers busy, which might be the case due to a lot of people calling in for enquiries on their portfolio review, kindly try calling up again after some time.
Sign Up For A Review of Your Mutual Fund Portfolio Today!
*Price inclusive of applicable Goods and Services tax
** The performance data quoted above represents past performance and does not guarantee future results.
© Quantum Information Services Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Any act of copying, reproducing or distributing this newsletter whether wholly or in part, for any purpose without the permission of PersonalFN is strictly prohibited and shall be deemed to be copyright infringement.
Disclaimer: Quantum Information Services Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved. Any act of copying, reproducing or distributing this newsletter whether wholly or in part, for any purpose without the permission of PersonalFN is strictly prohibited and shall be deemed to be copyright infringement
Quantum Information Services Pvt. Limited (PersonalFN) is an independent Mutual Fund research house and SEBI Registered Investment Adviser (Registration No. INA000000680). All content and information is provided on an 'As Is' basis by PersonalFN. Information herein is believed to be reliable but PersonalFN does not warrant its completeness or accuracy and expressly disclaims all warranties and conditions of any kind, whether express or implied. The Services rendered by PersonalFN are on a best effort basis. PersonalFN does not assure or guarantee the User any minimum or fixed returns. The Services are designed and provided based on the information and documentation furnished on this website/to the Personalfn by the User. The recommendations/advice made by PersonalFN are subject to several risks & other external factors not in the control of PersonalFN such as financial markets, macro and microeconomic factors, and other factors that can cause an adjustment in the User’s own financial situation and the progress of the User’s plan. The results may be based on certain assumptions. PersonalFN and its employees, personnel, directors will not be responsible for any direct / indirect loss or liability incurred by the user as a consequence of him or any other person on his behalf taking any investment decisions based on the contents and information provided herein. Use of this information is at the User's own risk. This is not directed for access or use by anyone in a country, especially USA, Canada or the European countries, where such use or access is unlawful or which may subject PersonalFN or its affiliates to any registration or licensing requirement. The User must make his own investment decisions based on his specific investment objective and financial position and using such independent advisors as s/he believes necessary. Past performance is no guarantee of any future results. Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully. Quantum Information Services Private Limited (PersonalFN) may hold shares in the company/ies discussed herein. As a condition to accessing PersonalFN’s content and website, User agrees to our Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy, available here.
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SEBI-registered Investment Adviser. Registration No. INA000000680, SEBI (Investment Advisers) Regulation, 2013