This does not constitute investment advice. Returns mentioned herein are in no way a guarantee or promise of future returns. Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks.
What if your retirement ends in the dark...
Introducing The Most Awaited
Retire Rich Series
Not enough money in bank savings?
Inflation soaring through the roof?
...Dreams remaining unfulfilled?
Dear investor,
Imagine you are in your 60s, retired and ready for the new life ahead when looking through your bills and receipts...
You suddenly realize, your bank account is NOT READY for retirement.
You haven't saved enough!Yes, you gave your son the best quality education you could.
Yes, that lavish marriage ceremony for your daughter. Whoa!
And oh yes, that world tour your wife so talks about.
You fulfilled all your financial obligations but somehow neglected a primary one.
Your retirement.And now here you are...
The nasty bites of inflation.
The rising medical expenses.
The promises you made to yourself.
Is that how retirement should be? Of course, not.
Retirement is supposed to be the "golden period of your life".With your friends and family.
Joy and happiness.
And in this letter, we are here to provide you with a solution-not the quick fix you are looking for but a "strategy" that help you secure a happy and blissful retirement for yourself.
High quality 'Do It Yourself' retirement solution and strategies per month. That's it.
It's easy. It's simple. It's a MUST for you.
Are you ready for it?
Then read on, for the next couple of minutes are going to be very interesting and probably enlightening for you.
The Peril Nobody Realizes
...Until It Is Done
You plan for everything.
You plan for your son's education.
You plan for your daughter's marriage.
You plan for your vacation every year.
And yes, you plan for your retirement too.
You know that maybe after 10, 20 or 30 years, your life is going to change.
You won't have a steady active income.
You will have higher expenses (on addition to a few extra bills or due to regular inflation).
You will probably not have enough time to start saving anew.
And then suddenly, you realize that even though you planned for your retirement, THE CORPUS IS STILL TOO LOW!
You thought you took care of your retirement but putting away a little of your income, unevenly, without any long-term planning, turned into failure.
You invested in fixed deposits.
You invested in ELSS.
You invested in mutual funds.
Correct but you probably lacked financial strategy.
It's not just stashing away in a few assets and keeping your eyes closed.
And needless to say, you find out that your retirement is in jeopardy.
But it's already late then.
Nothing to be done except to fret over lost time and opportunity.
Imagine not being able to go on that world tour you so dreamt of...
Or perhaps not granting your grandson's only wish on his birthday...
Or not being able to give your wife the best medical treatment...
Just when you thought you would be living up the "golden days of your life", they become nightmare for you.
But tell you what...
It should not be like this.
We have done the math for you.
The Numbers Reveal
the Key to Happiness
We, at PersonalFN, did our homework and came at an interesting conclusion.
That is, it does not matter how much you earn...
Or whether you speculate in risky assets or not...
Or whether you already have a strong financial background...
We found out that the only thing that matters is CONSISTENCY and 'a little of smartness' when it comes to retirement planning.
For example, if you were to save Rs 25,000 per month and invest it at a compounding interest rate of 12%, it would become a whopping Rs 2.4 crore in the next 20 years.
Look at the graph below for a better understanding.

This Graph is indicative and for illustration purpose only. Growth rate assumed at 12% p.a.
The red line is your retirement corpus.
As you can see from the graph, all you need is to keep stashing away a bit of your savings into your retirement corpus. Simple.
We think there's one more variable to the equation.
That is, the return percentage of your investments!
You see, in our little graph, we considered the return percentage to be pretty consistent.
But can you ever say that of any of your assets you invest in now?
No? We guessed it.
As is known, the market is unpredictable and so is your portfolio returns.
One quarter, it might be over 10%...another quarter, a mere 2%.
Not enticing much?
We have a better and more efficient solution for you.
Our New Exclusive
Retire Rich Series
PersonalFN brings to you a new and exclusive initiative with a sole motive-securing your retirement yourself.
This is a DIY retirement solution whereby you can start planning for your retirement and potentially build a substantial corpus that could sustain you in the best days of your life.
It is not merely a list of funds.
Or a particular investment idea.
It is a complete all-around solution to guide you with almost ALL necessary essentials of retirement planning.
...a monthly series of reports and articles bringing forth potentially the best investment ideas and opportunities most suitable for a happy and blissful retirement.
Who is this most suitable for?
We imagined this premium service for investors who want to do it themselves and who are struggling to build a sizeable retirement corpus through their ordinary endeavors.
We want to provide you a ready investment solution specifically suited to help you build not just any portfolio but rather a RETIREMENT portfolio.
Are you an investor in your mid-40s?
Are you looking to start retirement planning or bring one on track again?
Feeling clueless as to where to invest to accumulate sizeable savings in the few years of your active life?
It's hard.
Not many can do it...correctly.
Juggling hectic professional and personal lives, does someone still have the energy to sit down with financial journals and factsheets every day?
Of course not.
And that is the reason why we have developed this one-of-its-kind retirement planning monthly report series
"A treasure trove of invaluable information to help you build your financial future."
We want to make the whole process of planning for your retirement a piece of cake. Only a few steps and you are done.
An Ongoing Monthly guidance to handhold you in your journey to retirement. . Act on them in time and you are all set.
What's Inside Retire Rich Report?
As a privileged subscriber of Retire Rich Report, you will get inside access to THREE strategies to build retirement wealth. You need to pick the one that suits your age and time horizon.
These strategies comprise of a ready set of equity, debt and gold mutual funds, optimally allocated to together build a decent corpus for one's dream retirement.#1 The Young And Adventurous
This strategy is for the young 'high risk-high reward' investors who want to play the market and beat it by a significant margin.
It is not for the faint hearted.
It would ideally comprise of 80% equity, 15% debt and 5% gold.
There is always that slight chance of loss lingering in the dark but if you play your cards right, you might end with double or even triple digit returns in the long run.
This Early Retirement Solution is for investors who are under 45 years in age and can afford to take adventurous decisions for their retirement approaching in about next 15-20 years.
As a Retire Rich subscriber, you will receive high potential equity mutual fund recommendations handpicked for two rare characteristics:
They promise high growth potential in the coming few years.
They are perfect fit for one's retirement.
But maybe, you are not adventurous enough.
You want to surf the high market waves but also make sure of a steady income potential.
You are just being cautious and we love it.
#2 The Cautious Nearly-Retired Ones
This is the Nearing Retirement Solution for investors who are between 45 and 60 years old.
They are about to get retired in say another 10 to 15 years.
This is a tricky situation. You cannot afford to play too safe because you have got only a few years left to save. Yet you cannot play too risky because you would not be able to recoup your losses in time.
This strategy would ideally comprise of 60% equity, 35% debt and 5% gold.
If you are looking for a ready mix of funds to invest in for steady yet higher than average investment returns, this is the one for you.
Just stick to it for the remaining years to your retirement and you would potentially build a substantial retirement corpus in no time.
Lastly, there are those who have already retired.
We surely cannot forget about them, right?
#3 The Retired And Struggling
This special Post Retirement Solution is for retired investors over 60 years of age. That have "been there and done that", and frankly, they are in need of special care.
You see, retirement planning happens not only before retirement but also goes on post retirement.
Adjusting to the new financial situation with no active income and limited savings in the bank, with soaring daily expenses, it takes superb calculation and strategy to make the whole retired life work like magic.
This strategy would comprise of 30% equity, 65% debt and 5% gold.
Regardless of your age, your financial background and your bank savings, we will guide you to secure a healthy and happy retired life for yourself, whether it is before or after retirement.
It's always about being there for you and empowering you throughout your retirement planning journey.
That's how we do it at PersonalFN.
Each mutual fund that we handpick for you, our subscribers, pass our stringent parameters, both qualitative and quantitative, and only the most worthwhile make it into our recommendation list.
At PersonalFN, we call them S.M.A.R.T.
In other words, these mutual funds have passed our SMART Score Matrix with flying colors!
This is a special methodology that we follow to qualitatively and quantitatively assess the growth potential of a mutual fund.
Our Chosen Funds Are S.M.A.R.T
We select mutual funds on the basis of 5 variable tests, viz. Systems and Process, Market cycle performance, Asset management style, Risk-reward ratios and Performance Track Record.
S | M | A | R | T |
Systems and Processes | Market Cycle Performance | Asset Management Style | Risk-Reward Ratios | Performance Track Record |
So, each fund recommended by PersonalFN has to go through our stringent process where they are tested on these five essential parameters.
It's like taking a test on five different qualities and getting scores from a very strict teacher!
What we normally try to see in these funds are as follows:
The fund manager possesses decent experience and is not overloaded with multiple schemes. Moreover, the fund house should have well defined investment systems and process in place.
The fund has successfully generated positive returns across market cycles, viz. bullish and bearish. It is important that the fund has the ability to limit your losses during crisis.
The portfolio should not be too concentrated, highly churned or low quality. It should be managed efficiently.
The fund must offer adequate return for the risk incurred. It should not be putting your money to unnecessary risk.
The track record of the fund in terms of generating return on investment over various time periods like 1-year, 3-years, 5-years and so on.
This matrix is specially developed by the in-house research team at PersonalFN and we believe, it's one of the best and reliable fund selection methodologies in the industry today.
It helps us identify potentially the "best of the best" funds out there having the ability to build wealth for our subscribers.
But that's not all.
It's not about telling you about a few mutual funds one-time and be done with it forever.
It's about guiding you in your journey to build consistent wealth over years to come.
And we have got you covered.
"Are They Doing Well? Or Not?"
Our research team constantly keeps rechecking and retesting our recommended funds again and again.
If any of them does not meet our criteria? Strike it out.
Keep only the ones that prove their worth to our subscribers. It's through a constant and strict vetting, day after day, that we make sure that every fund we recommend for your retirement goal turns out to be a WINNER.
Every month you will receive a detailed research report on the performance and investment strategy of the funds already recommended by us.
If our review is positive, you can continue keeping invested in them. If our review on any fund is negative, it is better if you strike them out.
It's a continuous process.
We guide you on the strategy and keep you updated on the performance of the recommended funds every month.
All you have to do is take action on it. Simple.
But are mutual fund recommendations all that you receive as a Retire Rich subscriber?
In-depth, Invaluable
Focused on Retirement Planning
As a Retire Rich subscriber, you will also receive in-depth, long-form and highly research-oriented write-ups solely focused on myriad aspects of retirement planning.
Based on the particular theme of the month, we will let you in on some of the most baffling topics when it comes to retirement.
How much do you need for your dream retirement?
How to ensure regular cash flow post retirement?
Should you buy insurance? Which Mediclaim is potentially the best for your purpose?
And so on.
Every write-up will be exhaustive and enlightening to help you make the right financial decisions in time.
Apart from this, you will also receive the following as a Retire Rich subscriber.
Free Exclusive Bonus for You:
Your Comprehensive Guide To
Retirement Planning
Your golden years may truly become the best days of your life.
With the top-notch Retire Rich recommendations and exclusive premium research write-ups every month, you will probably be far ahead in your journey to financial freedom.
However, we wanted to make it even better for you.
We are ready to give you our very popular Money Simplified guide, "Your Comprehensive Guide To Retirement Planning" for Absolutely Free.
No extra charge at all.
In this exclusive guide, you will find:
Why you should plan your retirement well
Perils of Planning For Retirement Late
Role of Different Asset Classes in Retirement Planning
Why Insurance a Must in Retirement Planning
And so forth.
This might be a great starter guide to help you in your retirement planning process. It's almost action-oriented and provides you the perfect platform to get on with the retirement planning voyage.
But what's the use of any such retirement guides and reports unless you have a calculator in hand?
A Free Retirement Corpus Calculator for You
An easy-to-use and simple-to-understand prop for retirement planning.
Just plug in the numbers and lo, you get your answer.
How much to save each month?
How much time is required to build a significant corpus?
If you are young, what's the minimum you can do away with?
A retirement calculator does what its name says.
Helps you calculate the approx. corpus you need for a blissful retirement.
It helps you make sure that you are not straying off your path.
That you are totally on track on your monthly goals.
And just because you took that lavish vacation, your retirement is not in distress.
As you guessed, you get it totally free as a Retire Rich subscriber.
A Complete DIY Retirement Solution
...Regardless of Your Age,
Background or Occupation
We are proud that we have built Retire Rich not like any other retirement planning service with the need to hire any other financial adviser.
This is an all-inclusive Do-It-Yourself initiative for you to secure a happy retired life for yourself.
We are providing you with the necessary financial knowledge and even more importantly, actionable investment ideas that you act upon right away.
No probable need to consult any other financial adviser for that matter. (You may trust on our 15+ years of research and financial planning experience.)
As a Retire Rich subscriber, you will receive:
Ready investment solutions (for different categories of investors).
Monthly in-depth, retirement-based research articles.
Monthly performance updates on Retirement Solutions.
Free Guide: Your Comprehensive Guide To Retirement Planning
Free Retirement Calculator
Free Cash Flow and Expense Tracker
Free Financial Risk Assessment Calculator
"But for How Much?"
Now, we come to the best part.
We are planning to price it at a regular Rs 10,000 per year. Keeping in mind the huge wealth of invaluable actionable knowledge you will be receiving every month, it is almost negligible in our opinion.
Why not shell out a mere Rs 850 per month when you might be able to earn lakhs from it, right?
But wait! Since we are introducing this to you, we have decided to run a special introductory discount offer for the early bird subscribers.
Only For The First 500 Action Takers...
If you sign up today or are one of the first 500 Retire Rich subscribers under this Founder Member Offer, you can get it at Rs 2,950 for the first-year subscription.
An instant savings of Rs 7,050 in your pocket!
How cool is that?
But remember, it is only till the first 500 slots are booked.
All you have is the next few days...
Very soon, we will close the subscription gates for this service.
Post that, we may not be accepting new registrations for quite some time.
And when we start accepting members again, there is no guarantee that the same offer will be available!
So we strongly urge you - do not waste a minute more in thinking...
Subscribe now and save Rs 7,050 on your first year's subscription.
You can invest it towards your retirement fund then. Remember, for your dream retirement, it will be such smart, money - conscious decisions that will matter in the end!
Don't miss this golden opportunity.
Hurry now.
Delays only lead to losses of opportunities.
To your wealth,
Team PersonalFN
P.S. This is a complete DIY solution for every individual wise enough to think and act for a happy and blissful retirement. 3 Retirement Solutions, premium research write-ups, monthly performance updates, free bonus guide and a retirement get everything at your disposal.
P. P. S. The offer is only for the first 500 subscribers and the slots are already filling up fast. Are you going to miss it? Act fast and act now.
P.P.P.S. The first set of Retire Rich Solutions are already out. So do not miss your chance to get in.
*Price inclusive of applicable Goods and Services tax
** The performance data quoted above represents past performance and does not guarantee future results.
© Quantum Information Services Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Any act of copying, reproducing or distributing this newsletter whether wholly or in part, for any purpose without the permission of PersonalFN is strictly prohibited and shall be deemed to be copyright infringement.
Disclaimer: Quantum Information Services Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved. Any act of copying, reproducing or distributing this newsletter whether wholly or in part, for any purpose without the permission of PersonalFN is strictly prohibited and shall be deemed to be copyright infringement
Quantum Information Services Pvt. Limited (PersonalFN) is an independent Mutual Fund research house and SEBI Registered Investment Adviser (Registration No. INA000000680). All content and information is provided on an 'As Is' basis by PersonalFN. Information herein is believed to be reliable but PersonalFN does not warrant its completeness or accuracy and expressly disclaims all warranties and conditions of any kind, whether express or implied. The Services rendered by PersonalFN are on a best effort basis. PersonalFN does not assure or guarantee the User any minimum or fixed returns. The Services are designed and provided based on the information and documentation furnished on this website/to the Personalfn by the User. The recommendations/advice made by PersonalFN are subject to several risks & other external factors not in the control of PersonalFN such as financial markets, macro and microeconomic factors, and other factors that can cause an adjustment in the User's own financial situation and the progress of the User's plan. The results may be based on certain assumptions. PersonalFN and its employees, personnel, directors will not be responsible for any direct / indirect loss or liability incurred by the user as a consequence of him or any other person on his behalf taking any investment decisions based on the contents and information provided herein. Use of this information is at the User's own risk. This is not directed for access or use by anyone in a country, especially USA, Canada or the European countries, where such use or access is unlawful or which may subject PersonalFN or its affiliates to any registration or licensing requirement. The User must make his own investment decisions based on his specific investment objective and financial position and using such independent advisors as s/he believes necessary. Past performance is no guarantee of any future results. Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully. Quantum Information Services Private Limited (PersonalFN) may hold shares in the company/ies discussed herein. As a condition to accessing PersonalFN's content and website, User agrees to our Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy, available here.
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