Are You Financially Prepared To Battle Cancer?
Oct 20, 2015

Author: PersonalFN Content & Research Team

The medical dictionary defines "Cancer" (called oncology) as - "Cancer is not just one disease, but a large group of almost 100 diseases. Its two main characteristics are uncontrolled growth of the cells in the human body and the ability of these cells to migrate from the original site and spread to distant sites."

However, for a lay man, the word "cancer" is synonymous with chemotherapy, radiation, hospitalization, and perhaps even bereavement. It is intensely traumatic for the family of the patient facing this unfortunate terminal illness. The patient as well as the family needs to be mentally and financially ready to fight this devil.

Most of us believe that cancer is a disease originating in the modern era; history of medicine reveals the oldest recorded description of cancer (though it wasn't called so back then) dates back to 3000 BC! In the Edwin Smith Papyrus, erstwhile surgeons treated 8 cases of tumours or ulcers of the breast using a method called as ‘cauterization'. The writing in the papyrus goes on to say that there is no treatment for the disease.

But medical science has come a long way since then and cancer detected in the early stages can indeed be outdone.

A few findings...
The American Cancer Society in its paper titled "The History of Cancer" states that, "Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States. About one-half of all men and one-third of all women in the US will develop cancer during their lifetimes."

The World Health Organization (WHO) statistics indicates:

  • An estimated 8.2 million people die every year due to cancer (13% of all deaths worldwide)
  • Over the next 2 decades, there will be an increase of 70% in new cases of cancer
  • Currently there are over 100 different types of cancer in existence, each requiring unique diagnosis and treatment

In India, the story is more frightening...

The National Cancer Registry Program of The India Council of Medical Research (ICMR) highlights that cancer is the biggest cause of death with over 1,300 deaths daily, to approximately 5 lakhs every year! According to the Global Burden of Cancer, 2013 report 15% of deaths in the country are due to cancer directly. The death ratio is higher among women vis-à-vis men. Lung Cancer is the highest form of cancer in men in India, while Breast Cancer is the highest form of cancer among women.

This brings us to the most important question: How does one fight cancer?

Well, there are two ways:

  1. Adopting a healthy, natural lifestyle; and
  2. Paying attention to your financial health

Many of us know these things already, don't we? But cross your heart and ask yourself, "Do we really follow it?"

  1. Healthy Lifestyle:

    WHO aptly highlights that over 1/3rd of all cancer cases are preventable. It goes on to add, "Prevention offers the most cost effective strategy for the control of cancer", and shares some mantras that can help prevent cancer.

    Avoid using Tobacco - Tobacco usage is the highest cause of cancer deaths worldwide. About 70% of the lung cancer burden can be attributed to the usage of tobacco alone!

    Natural Nutrition & Exercise - As quoted by Hippocrates, "Let food be thy medicine & medicine thy food". The risk of cancer can be significantly reduced by regular physical exercise, maintaining a healthy body weight along with a balanced diet. A nutritious diet high in fruits, seeds, and vegetables could help you stave off many types of cancers. Recent studies have also linked overweight & obesity to different types of cancers.

    Avoid Alcohol - Risk of cancer increases with higher consumption of alcohol. Moreover, the risk of cancer significantly increases for an individual who is a heavy drinker and a heavy smoker.
    (Note: 22% of mouth and oropharynx cancers in men are attributable to alcohol)

    Infections - Almost 22% of cancer-caused deaths in the developing world are due to infectious agents (e.g. Viral Hepatitis B & C cause cancer of the liver). The best way to prevent contracting such infections is by administering regular vaccinations. To prevent any infestation from spreading, keep homes and surroundings clean.

    Environmental Pollution - It is our social and moral responsibility to keep our environment clean. The greener it is, the purer the air is. According to the IARC/WHO, 2003 report, 1-4% of all cancers around the world are due to environmental pollution of air, water, and soil with carcinogenic chemicals. Even today, many parts of Asia use coal for cooking purposes, which causes air pollution indoors, increasing the risk of lung cancers.

    Regular health check-ups - Remember, prevention is better than cure. Individuals who are over 30 years of age must make it a calendar event to do a thorough health check-up. The early detection of cancer increases the chances of cure and survival.

  2. Pay attention to your financial health:

    Much as your body requires the immunity to fight diseases, your financial health also needs to be strong enough to cope with the escalating cost of medical healthcare, which can be rather damaging. Hence, ensure you've made prudent investments and have an optimal health insurance cover. Here are a few options:

    Pay as you go method - Well, this is when you pay with your savings as and when a medical emergency arises. But this is an imprudent approach and can be detrimental to your long-term financial wellbeing. This is because the cost of cancer treatment is significantly high and may burn a huge hole in your pocket. There's a possibility that the cost of treatment may exceed the sum put aside for medical contingency. People's life savings have been washed out while treating terminal illnesses and families have been derelict.

    Buy a good cancer-care policy - A health care policy bought at an early stage of one's life, acts as a saviour to address medical emergencies, especially terminal illnesses such as cancer. But you ought to be rest assured that you've opted for the right policy with an optimal health insurance cover.

Here are a few cancer-specific insurance policies offered by insurers...
A snapshot
Particulars HDFC Life ICICI Prudential Life Insurance AegonReligare Life Insurance
Policy Name Cancer Care Cancer Care Plus iCancer Insurance Plan
Entry Age 18 - 65 20 - 60 18 - 65
Renewal Period Min 10 years to 20 years (max). Min 10 years to 50 years (max) Min 5 years to 52 years (max)
Maturity Age 75 70 70
Sum Insured Rs. 10,00,000 to Rs. 40,00,000 Rs. 5,00,000 to Rs. 25,00,000 Rs. 10,00,000 to Rs. 37,50,000
Waiting period 180 days (i.e. 6 months) 1 year (early cancers) & 6 months (for advanced cancers) 48 months
Survival Period 7 days from the date of diagnosis 28 days from diagnosis No survival period
Tax Benefit (if any) Premium benefit u/s 80 D Premium benefit u/s 80 D Premium benefit u/s 80 D
Free look in period 15 days 15 days 15 days
  • Lumpsum pay-out depending on the stage of cancer
  • Flexibility to choose from 3 plans - Silver, Gold and Platinum
  • No medical tests
  • Monthly Income of five years in case of diagnosis of major Cancer under Platinum Option
  • Lumpsum pay-out depending on the stage of cancer
  • Free periodical cancer screenings at a partner diagnostic centre (conducted once in two years, starting from the second year of the policy)
  • Cash payouts at various stages for diagnosis, treatment & surgery
  • No medical bills
  • No medical tests (for a cover of Rs. 15,00,000 and above)
  • Lumpsum pay-out depending on the stage of cancer
  • Premium waiver benefit
Premium for Rs. 10,00,000 sum insured per annum Age 30 = Rs. 741 (20 years, Silver Plan) Age 30 = Rs. 1,200 Age 30 = Rs. 2,953
(Source: Websites of respective insurers)

We recognise that with multiple options, the task of selecting the right insurance policy can be rather daunting. It would be easier to engage the services of a financial planner, who after taking into account host of factors could recommend an appropriate health insurance policy with an optimum cover. Purchase the plan at an early stage of your life - don't try to be penny wise and pound foolish - which can jeopardise your long-term financial wellbeing.

Always remember the golden rule of insurance -- It is better to have one and not need it, than to need it and not have one.

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