Canara Robeco Mutual Fund

Scheme Category :


Scheme Name :

Recommendation :

Name of the Mutual FundCanara Robeco Mutual Fund
Date of set up of Mutual Fund19 Dec 1987
Name(s) of SponsorCanara Bank Robeco Groep N.V., The Netherlands
Name of Trustee CompanyNot Available
Date of Incorporation of AMC02 Mar 1993
Address of AMCContruction House, 4th Floor, 5 Walchand Hirachand Marg, Ballard Estate, Mumbai - 400 001
Telephone Number+91 22 66585000
Fax Number+91 22 66585012 - 5013

Fund Category Launch Expense Ratio (%) 1-yr Return (%) Net Assets (cr)
Canara Robeco Balanced Advantage Fund - Growth - Direct PlanHybrid - Balanced AdvantageAug -20240.79N.A1372.63
Canara Robeco Banking and PSU Debt Fund - Growth - Direct PlanDebt - Banking and PSU FundAug -20220.437.49230.09
Canara Robeco Bluechip Equity Fund - Growth - Direct PlanEquity - Large Cap FundJan -20131.7511.613848.24
Canara Robeco Conservative Hybrid Fund - Growth - Direct PlanHybrid - Conservative Hybrid FundJan -20131.388.94916.34
Canara Robeco Consumer Trends Fund - Growth - Direct PlanEquity - Sectoral Fund - ConsumptionJan -20131.869.781582.83
Canara Robeco Corporate Bond Fund - Growth - Direct PlanDebt - Corporate Bond FundFeb -20140.647.44119.59
Canara Robeco Dynamic Bond Fund - Growth - Direct PlanDebt - Dynamic BondJan -20131.377.22123.19
Canara Robeco ELSS Tax Saver - Growth - Direct PlanEquity - ELSSJan -20131.729.327717.01
Canara Robeco Emerging Equities - Growth - Direct PlanEquity - Large & Mid Cap FundJan -20131.1116.0421405.22
Canara Robeco Equity Hybrid Fund - Growth - Direct PlanHybrid - Aggressive Hybrid FundJan -20131.3210.159841.01
Canara Robeco Flexi Cap Fund - Growth - Direct PlanEquity - Flexi Cap FundJan -20131.89.7211390.99
Canara Robeco Focused Equity Fund - Growth - Direct PlanEquity - Focused FundMay -20210.5513.582270.47
Canara Robeco Gilt Fund - Growth - Direct PlanDebt - Gilt FundJan -20130.758.18135.35
Canara Robeco Income Fund - Growth - Direct PlanDebt - Medium to Long Duration FundJan -20131.27.51119.31
Canara Robeco Infrastructure Fund - Growth - Direct PlanEquity - Sectoral Fund - Infrastructure Jan -20131.8817.37726.15
Canara Robeco Liquid - Unclaimed Redemption and Dividend Plan - Growth - Direct PlanDebt - Liquid FundApr -20160.097.35294.06
Canara Robeco Liquid Fund - Growth - Direct PlanDebt - Liquid FundJan -20130.127.35294.06
Canara Robeco Manufacturing Fund - Growth - Direct PlanEquity - Thematic Fund - OtherMar -20240.8110.571399.74
Canara Robeco Mid Cap Fund - Growth - Direct PlanEquity - Mid Cap FundDec -20220.7212.252403.25
Canara Robeco Multi Cap Fund - Growth - Direct PlanEquity - Multi Cap FundJul -20230.6814.313530.03
Canara Robeco Overnight Fund - Growth - Direct PlanDebt - Overnight FundJul -20190.16.52270.48
Canara Robeco Savings Fund - Growth - Direct PlanDebt - Low Duration FundJan -20130.417.38770.26
Canara Robeco Short Duration Fund - Growth - Direct PlanDebt - Short Duration FundJan -20130.587.34334.29
Canara Robeco Small Cap Fund - Growth - Direct PlanEquity - Small cap FundFeb -20190.918.9910276.74
Canara Robeco Ultra Short Term Fund - Growth - Direct PlanDebt - Ultra Short Duration FundJan -20130.696.82515.16
Canara Robeco Value Fund - Growth - Direct PlanEquity - Value FundSep -20210.788.911111.12