Debt - Medium to Long Duration Fund

SchemeSub CategoryMin. Inv(Rs.)NAV(Rs.)Exp. Ratio(%)SIP Min. Inv.(Rs.)
Aditya Birla SL Income Fund(Q-IDCW) Debt - Medium to Long Duration100013.30661.161,000
Aditya Birla SL Income Fund(G) Debt - Medium to Long Duration1000123.19471.161,000
Canara Rob Income Fund-Reg(G) Debt - Medium to Long Duration500054.54731.881,000
Canara Rob Income Fund-Reg(Q-IDCW) Debt - Medium to Long Duration500015.13921.881,000
Bandhan Bond Fund - Income Plan-Reg(H-IDCW) Debt - Medium to Long Duration100011.80041.98100
Bandhan Bond Fund - Income Plan-Reg(G) Debt - Medium to Long Duration100063.86421.98100
Bandhan Bond Fund - Income Plan-Reg(A-IDCW) Debt - Medium to Long Duration100011.57261.98100
Bandhan Bond Fund - Income Plan-Reg(Q-IDCW) Debt - Medium to Long Duration100012.03031.98100
HDFC Income Fund(Q-IDCW) Debt - Medium to Long Duration10011.44211.39100
HDFC Income Fund(G) Debt - Medium to Long Duration10057.07781.39100
HSBC Medium to Long Duration Fund Fund(G) Debt - Medium to Long Duration500041.32331.891,000
HSBC Medium to Long Duration Fund Fund(IDCW) Debt - Medium to Long Duration500010.7151.891,000
JM Medium to Long Duration Fund-Reg(Q-IDCW) Debt - Medium to Long Duration100020.62671.02100
JM Medium to Long Duration Fund-Reg(G) Debt - Medium to Long Duration100060.66571.02100
JM Medium to Long Duration Fund-Reg(B) Debt - Medium to Long Duration100024.82011.02100
Kotak Bond Fund-Reg(IDCW Payout) Debt - Medium to Long Duration10046.09941.65100
Kotak Bond Fund-Reg(G) Debt - Medium to Long Duration10075.24371.65100
LIC MF Medium to Long Duration Fund-Reg(IDCW) Debt - Medium to Long Duration500015.45081.22100
LIC MF Medium to Long Duration Fund-Reg(G) Debt - Medium to Long Duration500070.4891.22100
Nippon India Income Fund(A-IDCW) Debt - Medium to Long Duration500012.85691.52100
Nippon India Income Fund(B) Debt - Medium to Long Duration500025.35591.52100
Nippon India Income Fund(G) Debt - Medium to Long Duration500088.19671.52100
Nippon India Income Fund(H-IDCW) Debt - Medium to Long Duration500012.51591.52100
Nippon India Income Fund(M-IDCW) Debt - Medium to Long Duration2500010.8191.52100
Nippon India Income Fund(Q-IDCW) Debt - Medium to Long Duration1000013.20621.52100
SBI Magnum Income Fund-Reg(B) Debt - Medium to Long Duration500041.89771.47500
SBI Magnum Income Fund-Reg(IDCW) Debt - Medium to Long Duration500018.08581.47500
SBI Magnum Income Fund-Reg(G) Debt - Medium to Long Duration500069.14841.47500
UTI Medium to Long Duration Fund-Reg(G) Debt - Medium to Long Duration50071.63571.61500
UTI Medium to Long Duration Fund-Reg(Q-IDCW) Debt - Medium to Long Duration2000018.39861.61500
ICICI Pru Bond Fund(G) Debt - Medium to Long Duration500039.30781.031,000
ICICI Pru Bond Fund(M-IDCW) Debt - Medium to Long Duration500011.45191.031,000
ICICI Pru Bond Fund(Q-IDCW) Debt - Medium to Long Duration500011.48721.031,000
HDFC Income Fund(G)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration10063.03830.8100
HDFC Income Fund(Q-IDCW)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration10012.7870.8100
Aditya Birla SL Income Fund(G)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration1000132.680.741,000
Aditya Birla SL Income Fund(Q-IDCW Reinv)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration100014.26830.741,000
Canara Rob Income Fund(G)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration500060.99940.81,000
Canara Rob Income Fund(Q-IDCW)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration500017.18610.81,000
Bandhan Bond Fund - Income Plan(G)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration100069.74971.32100
Kotak Bond Fund(G)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration10084.27320.7100
LIC MF Medium to Long Duration Fund(G)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration500075.75690.21100
Nippon India Income Fund(G)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration500098.40910.67100
Nippon India Income Fund(M-IDCW)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration2500011.47980.67100
SBI Magnum Income Fund(B)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration500045.17980.77500
SBI Magnum Income Fund(IDCW)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration500021.12710.77500
SBI Magnum Income Fund(G)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration500074.46360.77500
UTI Medium to Long Duration Fund(G)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration50077.95281.17500
ICICI Pru Bond Fund(G)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration500041.58410.621,000
ICICI Pru Bond Fund(Q-IDCW)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration500011.86690.621,000
JM Medium to Long Duration Fund(Q-IDCW)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration100023.85440.54100
JM Medium to Long Duration Fund(G)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration100067.50790.54100
Nippon India Income Fund(A-IDCW)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration500014.09090.67100
Bandhan Bond Fund - Income Plan(H-IDCW)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration100012.67981.32100
Bandhan Bond Fund - Income Plan(A-IDCW)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration100015.82441.32100
Bandhan Bond Fund - Income Plan(Q-IDCW)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration100012.59341.32100
HSBC Medium to Long Duration Fund Fund(G)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration500045.99340.661,000
HSBC Medium to Long Duration Fund Fund(IDCW)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration500010.70960.661,000
Kotak Bond Fund(IDCW)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration10028.04880.7100
Nippon India Income Fund(B)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration500028.12120.67100
Nippon India Income Fund(H-IDCW)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration500013.45560.67100
Nippon India Income Fund(Q-IDCW)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration1000013.91680.67100
ICICI Pru Bond Fund(M-IDCW)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration500011.66550.621,000
LIC MF Medium to Long Duration Fund(IDCW)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration500018.30350.21100
UTI Medium to Long Duration Fund(Q-IDCW)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration2000024.60071.17500
SBI Magnum Income Fund-Reg(Q-IDCW) Debt - Medium to Long Duration500019.47311.47500
SBI Magnum Income Fund(Q-IDCW)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration500021.62910.77500
Bandhan Bond Fund - Income Plan-Reg(P-IDCW) Debt - Medium to Long Duration100013.70671.98100
Bandhan Bond Fund - Income Plan(P-IDCW)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration100016.95861.32100
UTI Medium to Long Duration Fund-Reg(H-IDCW) Debt - Medium to Long Duration2000014.15271.61500
UTI Medium to Long Duration Fund-Reg(A-IDCW) Debt - Medium to Long Duration2000012.59421.61500
UTI Medium to Long Duration Fund-Reg(F-IDCW) Debt - Medium to Long Duration2000013.92921.61500
ICICI Pru Bond Fund(H-IDCW Payout)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration500010.80820.621,000
ICICI Pru Bond Fund(H-IDCW Payout) Debt - Medium to Long Duration500011.1391.031,000
UTI Medium to Long Duration Fund(F-IDCW)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration2000015.1661.17500
HDFC Income Fund(IDCW) Debt - Medium to Long Duration10018.00011.39100
HDFC Income Fund(IDCW)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration10019.93540.8100
Aditya Birla SL Income Fund(Q-IDCW Reinv) Debt - Medium to Long Duration100013.30661.161,000
Aditya Birla SL Income Fund(IDCW) Debt - Medium to Long Duration100012.38561.161,000
Aditya Birla SL Income Fund(IDCW)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration100013.18290.741,000
UTI Medium to Long Duration Fund(H-IDCW)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration2000014.5961.17500
UTI Medium to Long Duration Fund(A-IDCW)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration2000012.75241.17500
Aditya Birla SL Income Fund(Q-IDCW)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration100014.26830.741,000
HDFC Income Fund(Q-IDCW Reinv)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration10012.7870.8100
HDFC Income Fund(IDCW-Reinv)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration10019.93540.8100
ICICI Pru Bond Fund(M-IDCW Payout)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration500011.66550.621,000
ICICI Pru Bond Fund(Q-IDCW Payout)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration500011.86690.621,000
ICICI Pru Bond Fund(H-IDCW)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration500010.80820.621,000
SBI Magnum Income Fund(IDCW-Payout)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration500021.12710.77500
SBI Magnum Income Fund(Q-IDCW Payout)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration500021.62910.77500
HDFC Income Fund(Q-IDCW Reinv) Debt - Medium to Long Duration10011.44211.39100
Aditya Birla SL Income Fund(IDCW-Reinv)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration100013.18290.741,000
Kotak Bond Fund-Reg(IDCW) Debt - Medium to Long Duration10046.09941.65100
Bandhan Bond Fund - Income Plan-Reg(P-IDCW Reinv) Debt - Medium to Long Duration100013.70671.98100
Aditya Birla SL Income Fund(IDCW-Reinv) Debt - Medium to Long Duration100012.38561.161,000
HDFC Income Fund(IDCW-Reinv) Debt - Medium to Long Duration10018.00011.39100
HSBC Medium to Long Duration Fund Fund(IDCW-Payout) Debt - Medium to Long Duration500010.7151.891,000
ICICI Pru Bond Fund(H-IDCW) Debt - Medium to Long Duration500011.1391.031,000
ICICI Pru Bond Fund(M-IDCW Payout) Debt - Medium to Long Duration500011.45191.031,000
ICICI Pru Bond Fund(Q-IDCW Payout) Debt - Medium to Long Duration500011.48721.031,000
SBI Magnum Income Fund-Reg(IDCW-Payout) Debt - Medium to Long Duration500018.08581.47500
Bandhan Bond Fund - Income Plan(A-IDCW Reinv)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration100015.82441.32100
Bandhan Bond Fund - Income Plan-Reg(Q-IDCW Reinv) Debt - Medium to Long Duration100012.03031.98100
Bandhan Bond Fund - Income Plan(P-IDCW Reinv)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration100016.95861.32100
Kotak Bond Fund(IDCW Payout)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration10028.04880.7100
LIC MF Medium to Long Duration Fund-Reg(Q-IDCW) Debt - Medium to Long Duration500015.45081.22100
LIC MF Medium to Long Duration Fund-Reg(A-IDCW) Debt - Medium to Long Duration500015.45081.22100
LIC MF Medium to Long Duration Fund(Q-IDCW)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration500018.30360.21100
LIC MF Medium to Long Duration Fund(A-IDCW)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration500018.30350.21100
Franklin India Medium to Long Duration Fund-Reg(G) Debt - Medium to Long Duration500010.3610.76100
Franklin India Medium to Long Duration Fund-Reg(IDCW) Debt - Medium to Long Duration500010.3610.76100
Franklin India Medium to Long Duration Fund(G)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration500010.38860.3100
Franklin India Medium to Long Duration Fund(IDCW)-Direct Plan Debt - Medium to Long Duration500010.38860.3100