Guide To Plan Your Financial Goals With Mutual Funds

Investors are recognising the bene­fits of investing in mutual funds, particularly via Systematic Investment Plans (or SIPs). Indian households are taking the risk in pursuit of a better real rate of return to achieve fi­nancial goals comfortably.

However, your hard-earned money also needs to be deployed pointedly towards each goal. This is because investing in an ad hoc manner would be akin to sailing in the ocean without a sense of direction; you could be a lost man at sea.

With a detailed financial plan and a prudently charted asset allocation, you can accomplish your envisioned vital financial goals viz. your child’s education needs, his/her wedding expenses, and your very own retirement by investing in mutual funds.

This guide takes you through the approach you should follow and edifies if you can purely bank on ‘solution-oriented funds’ to meet your vital financial goals.

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